Hi, I’m Sreekaran 👋

Software Engineer by day, Developer Advocate by night.

I’m using this blog as an outlet to ramble on about CS, learning, devrel, anime, lifting, books, and anything else that piques my curiosity.

If you want to reach out, my Twitter is the right place to head to.

Why You Should Lose at Hackathons

That’s a forking controversial title if you’ve ever seen one, but hear me out. I promise this isn’t clickbait. If you don’t know what a hackathon is or have never attended one, head here. To start with - What even IS a hackathon? Simply put, hackathons are 24, 36, or 48 hour-long (sometimes longer, but very rarely) technology festivals. They’re somewhere you can meet like-minded people, learn new things, and create cool technology....

July 18, 2021 Â· 4 min Â· Sreekaran

Hackathons 101

After answering this question 23897693621 times on Discord, I’ve finally decided to compile a FAQ of sorts, including my experiences, into this blog post. Towards the end, I’ll also talk about how hackathons have transitioned from in-person to digital, and the pros and cons of digital hackathons. To start with - What even IS a hackathon? Simply put, hackathons are 24, 36, or 48 hour-long (sometimes longer, but very rarely) technology festivals....

February 5, 2021 Â· 5 min Â· Sreekaran